Mindset Mami Workbook + Journal
The Mindset Mami Workbook + Journal focuses on cultivating a growth mindset, including becoming aware of self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, self-image, money blocks & so much more!
I share some of the most life-changing tools that have helped me get out of survival mode + into a place of calmness and unwavering faith, even in the most difficult moments. It's helped me tap into my power + realize how capable I am (and YOU ARE TOO) of achieving all the goals on your vision board.
The Mindset Mami Workbook + Journal is for you if:
You're done giving away your power to other people + situations
You feel stuck or unsure of how to move forward
You know you have all the answers within, but you need a little loving guidance
You're ready to dive in + really get to know yourself on a subconscious level
You're ready to change + put in the work!
You want to reprogram old beliefs that no longer serve you -- especially when it comes to money
You're ready to let go of old stories of yourself + what you're capable of
It's TIME. You deserve this. I'm so proud that you're doing the work. You are here reading this for a reason. Bet on yourself. Believe in your greatness.
- 6 x 9
- 122 pages
- 40+ prompts, affirmations pages, excerpts + journaling pages.
The Mindset Mami Workbook + Journal focuses on cultivating a growth mindset, including becoming aware of self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, self-image, money blocks & so much more!
I share some of the most life-changing tools that have helped me get out of survival mode + into a place of calmness and unwavering faith, even in the most difficult moments. It's helped me tap into my power + realize how capable I am (and YOU ARE TOO) of achieving all the goals on your vision board.
The Mindset Mami Workbook + Journal is for you if:
You're done giving away your power to other people + situations
You feel stuck or unsure of how to move forward
You know you have all the answers within, but you need a little loving guidance
You're ready to dive in + really get to know yourself on a subconscious level
You're ready to change + put in the work!
You want to reprogram old beliefs that no longer serve you -- especially when it comes to money
You're ready to let go of old stories of yourself + what you're capable of
It's TIME. You deserve this. I'm so proud that you're doing the work. You are here reading this for a reason. Bet on yourself. Believe in your greatness.
- 6 x 9
- 122 pages
- 40+ prompts, affirmations pages, excerpts + journaling pages.
The Mindset Mami Workbook + Journal focuses on cultivating a growth mindset, including becoming aware of self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, self-image, money blocks & so much more!
I share some of the most life-changing tools that have helped me get out of survival mode + into a place of calmness and unwavering faith, even in the most difficult moments. It's helped me tap into my power + realize how capable I am (and YOU ARE TOO) of achieving all the goals on your vision board.
The Mindset Mami Workbook + Journal is for you if:
You're done giving away your power to other people + situations
You feel stuck or unsure of how to move forward
You know you have all the answers within, but you need a little loving guidance
You're ready to dive in + really get to know yourself on a subconscious level
You're ready to change + put in the work!
You want to reprogram old beliefs that no longer serve you -- especially when it comes to money
You're ready to let go of old stories of yourself + what you're capable of
It's TIME. You deserve this. I'm so proud that you're doing the work. You are here reading this for a reason. Bet on yourself. Believe in your greatness.
- 6 x 9
- 122 pages
- 40+ prompts, affirmations pages, excerpts + journaling pages.